Friday, 20 July 2012

Find PDF Manuals for your Electronics on Amazon

If you are looking to download the user̢۪s PDF manual of an electronic product that is not available on the manufacturer̢۪s website, you might find it on

If you are looking to download the user’s manual of an electronic product that you own but it is nowhere to be found on the manufacturer’s website, you might as well try a search on
The site hosts PDF manuals of thousands of electronic products including those of items that have either been discontinued or are no longer available for sale on
download pdf manuals
Amazon just doesn’t sell electronics, they also offer the PDF manuals.

Download User Manuals in PDF from Amazon

The user manuals are primarily hosted on two Amazon servers – and – and here’s how you can find the one you are looking for.
Go to Google and type the following query. Replace the word PRODUCT with actual name of your product.
PRODUCT filetype:pdf OR
The above mentioned Amazon sites also host sample chapters of books in PDF format so you may want to add some extra terms to the search query – like Operation Guide, User Guide, Owner’s Manual, Installation Guide, etc. – for better results.
The older manuals are mostly PDF images scanned from the printed document (example) but since Google supports OCR, these scanned PDFs are also searchable.
One more thing – if the PDF is bulky, you can just put the file URL in Google Docs Viewer and read the full manual online instead of downloading that file to your computer.
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